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One Bowl Granola Cookies

These one bowl granola cookies will save you on time and dishes while still offering the most flavor! Crunch into something delicious that you don’t have to feel so guilty about.

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These one bowl granola cookies will save you on time and dishes while still offering the most flavor! Crunch into something delicious that you don’t have to feel so guilty about.

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When it comes to one-bowl recipes, I definitely can’t get enough. Delicious meals all made in a single bowl? Sign me up!

I’ve been on a health-kick lately. Those who know me, know that my sweet tooth nearly has a mind of its own. Though I can eat mountains of any dessert, I know that as I get older, I need to watch my sugar intake.

These one bowl granola cookies will save you on time and dishes while still offering the most flavor! Crunch into something delicious that you don’t have to feel so guilty about.

That being said, I’m making a conscious effort to eat better, while still treating myself. This recipe for One Bowl Granola Cookies is more health-conscious than your traditional sugar-filled cookie. Plus, they’re SO easy to make. You’ll also love the fact that for this dessert, clean-up is a breeze since it’s made in one single bowl.

Aren’t One Pot Recipes Only for Dinner?

Traditionally, one pot dinners are meals that involve ingredients being thrown in and cooked in a single pot. Yes, it’s normally for hefty, savory meals like lunch and dinner.

However, I absolutely love the concept, so I decided it would be great to do the same for desserts, much like my One Bowl Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe.

…but this time, I wanted CRUNCH! This is how my One Bowl Granola Cookies came to life!

What Are Granola Cookies?

You know the granola that you sprinkle onto your morning yogurt or chia seed pudding? Well, take those ingredients plus its crunchy consistency, and imagine them in cookie form. That is exactly what my granola cookies are!

Craving a wholesome yet tasty snack? Our One Bowl Granola Cookies are here to satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you feeling good! Packed with nutritious ingredients, these cookies make healthy snacking a delight.

Tips for Making One Bowl Granola Cookies

When making this one bowl dessert, there are a few things to keep in mind:

The Batter is Sticky

This batter is not at all like your typical cookie batter. Don’t forget: the ingredients that make up this cookie are mainly granola ingredients, and only a couple of other ingredients to bind everything together (ie.: the egg and the peanut butter), so if the batter doesn’t feel familiar to you, it’s normal.

Indulge in the best of both worlds with our One Bowl Granola Cookies! These delightful treats combine all the goodness of granola in a delicious, chewy cookie form. Perfect for guilt-free snacking anytime!

Why Are My Granola Cookies Are Falling Apart?

For these one bowl granola cookies, it’s important to really pack each cookie mount as tightly as possible. Also, be sure you allow them to cool completely before serving – this will let them settle and not fall apart.

How Do I Store Granola Cookies?

I recommend storing these cookies in an airtight container on your countertop for up to 5 days.

What Ingredients Do I Need to Make Granola Cookies?

Be sure to gather the following ingredients before making a batch of these delicious granola treats:

  • Large oats
  • Unsalted sunflower seeds
  • Chopped peanuts
  • Shredded coconut
  • Honey
  • Peanut butter
  • Egg
  • Chocolate chips

Can I Make Any Ingredient Swaps?

Sure! Feel free to use slivered almonds instead of sunflower seeds. You can also use any chopped nut to replace the peanuts.

For the peanut butter, we prefer using natural peanut butter. You can also use other nut butters like sunflower butter or almond butter.

Craving a wholesome yet tasty snack? Our One Bowl Granola Cookies are here to satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you feeling good! Packed with nutritious ingredients, these cookies make healthy snacking a delight.

One Bowl Granola Cookies

These one bowl granola cookies will save you on time and dishes while still offering themost flavor! Crunch into something delicious that you don’t have to feel soguilty about.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 12 cookies


  • ½ cup large oats
  • ¼ cup sunflower seeds unsalted
  • ½ cup chopped peanuts
  • ¼ cup shredded coconut
  • ¼ cup honey
  • ¼ cup peanut butter
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup chocolate chips


  • Begin by lining a cookie tray with parchment paper. Set aside.
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • In a large bowl, combine oats, sunflower seeds, peanuts and shredded coconuts.
  • Next, add honey, peanut butter and egg. Mix until all ingredients are well-combined.
  • Fold in chocolate chips.
  • Scoop mounds of the granola “cookie dough” onto the lined baking sheet, about 2 tablespoons worth. Make sure the mounds are as tightly packed as possible to prevent the cookies from crumbling.
  • Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Keep your eyes on them, as you don’t want them to burn!
  • Allow to cool completely before serving.
These one bowl granola cookies will save you on time and dishes while still offering the most flavor! Crunch into something delicious that you don’t have to feel so guilty about.
Indulge in the best of both worlds with our One Bowl Granola Cookies! These delightful treats combine all the goodness of granola in a delicious, chewy cookie form. Perfect for guilt-free snacking anytime!
Craving a wholesome yet tasty snack? Our One Bowl Granola Cookies are here to satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you feeling good! Packed with nutritious ingredients, these cookies make healthy snacking a delight.

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